General Settings
Set the CRM to ensure it works for you.
User Management (Create and Manage Users)
System Administrators can manage users to ensure they have the correct access, functionality and ...
Role Management - User roles for system access
The system has an advanced set of system roles that determine what users can see and do. Users m...
Employee/User parameters (Set contracted hours and PO creation accessibility)
Once a user has been created you can set various Employee settings that manage employee behaviour...
Labour Rates
Labour rates are set on a per user basis. Rakata CRM allows difference labour rates per employee...
Job Classification
Job Classification is a way to add certain parameters to a job or to simpy label a Job. Within t...
Job Types
Job Types are simply groups of forms linked together. When creating a location timing and admin ...
Vehicle Management
Many customers utilise vehicles within their business and want to track what Engineers are linked...