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Overview of Product Management

The setup of Products is one of the most important aspects of the setup of Rakata CRM for Flooring.  It is critical that Products, Flooring Types and Product Ranges are configured correctly.  Incorrect product setup can result in incorrect calcualtions or the product not calcuating at all.

Read this guide thoroughly to understand the setup to get the best out of the system.

Setup Hierachy

The system has been designed to make the onboading of products as easy as possible.  There are 3 layers to setup.   These are:

Flooring Type
Top Level

This is the top level in the tree.  Flooring Types cover the calcualtions that the Products within it are based on.  The calcuation types are:

  • Per Unit
  • Per M2 Fixed Width
  • Per M: Perimeter Length
  • Per M2