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Automatically create tasks to a Job

RakataCRM has the ability to dynamically create tasks on jobs based on the Job Type.  For example you might want to create a list of task associated with a Domestic jobs and assign different tasks to different employees.  If you were needing to do this each time a Job was created this would take the administrator huge amounts of time.  Now this can be done in seconds.

Create Tasks associated with a Job Type

1. Click "Job Lists"

2. Click "Create Job Lists"

3. Select the Job Type that the tasks will be created against when a Job is created

4. Add the name of the Job List e.g. Domestics Job List Tasks

5. Add a description if required

6. Save the Job List

7. Add specifics tasks for this Job List

Tip! There is no limit to the amount of tasks to you can assign to a job

8. Click "Create"

9. Add the specific task name

10. Select who you want to assign the task to

11. Select the Priority

12. Add details of the task if necessary

13. Click Save

14. Now when creating a job

15. Click "Create Jobs"

16. When Saving the Job if the Job Type drop-down (e.g. Domestic) matches the Job Type in the Job List the tasks will be created when the Job is created.

17. After the Job is created clicks the Tasks tab

18. The Tasks will appear here.



TIP! Employees can see their open tasks on their home page login via the Dashlet in "My Open Tasks"